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Ports and Harbor
1. Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design and drawings for construction of Jetty at Yanam.
2. Preparation of FSR for Development of 500m Berth and Construction of Breakwater South of Visakhapatnam Outer Harbour Expansion project by NAVY
3. Preparation of DPR for setting up of Coastal Cargo Berth in Kandla Port.
4. Providing Consultancy Services for Design works of Building, Roads, Utilities and Allied Works etc. for Onshore / Offshore facilities of LNG Terminal, Jafrabad
5. Design Consultancy for Trenching and Backfilling Works for Integrated Offshore Crude Handling Facility in Myanmar
6. Design Consultancy for Trenching and Backfilling Works for Integrated Offshore Crude Handling Facility in Paradip
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